Myofascial Release
What is
Myofascial Release?
The John F. Barnes Myofascial Release approach applies gentle sustained pressure to facial restrictions that form in the body. This light pressure with extended time allows the fascia to correct, relieve pain, and increase the mobility of muscles. The main goal for myofascial release is to be able to increase motion, decrease pain, and increase body functions.
Myofascial Release is performed on skin with no lotions or oils. This allows the therapist to engage to the fascia and elongate to release the restrictions
What is
Fascia is connective tissue that covers the whole body in a three dimensional continuous web connecting our whole body together. The fascia is able to seperate body parts such as muscles, nerves, organs, bones and vessels; as well is able to stabilize and support the structures. Fascia is mostly made of collagen along with elastin and ground substance. This allows for a strong stable foundation to provide tension and able to have elasticity for more movement. The ground substance helps with shock absorption. The three combined together gives us the ability to move, function, and stabilize.
Restrictions can happen from physical or emotional trauma, scars, inflammation and injury. The fascia binds down and pulls together losing the elasticity and causes 2,000 pounds a pressure per square inch. This crushes the whole body system and impacts the whole body as it pulls on the continuous web of fascia through the body. These fascial restrictions can apply excessive pressure which cause symptoms such as; pain, headaches, limited movement, and decrease function.
MRI, CT scans, and other tests do not detect fascial restrictions, associated pains and decrease movements. Many patients suffering from fascial restrictions are incorrectly diagnosed, over medicated, and left with unanswered questions.
Who Would Benefit From Myofascial Release
Those With

- Back pain
- Migraines
- Sport injuries
- Whiplash
- Fibromyalgia
- Myofascial Pain Syndrome
- Pediatrics
- Chronic Pain
- Carpal Tunnel
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Neck Pain
- Sciatica
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Bladder Problems
- Birth Injuries
- Bursitis
- Cervical/Lumbar injuries
- Emotional Trauma
- Frozen Shoulder
- Pelvic pain
- Osteoarthritis
- Scars
- Tinnitus
- Women's Health
- Scoliosis
- Adhesions
- Adhesions Restricted Movement