Veteran Affairs

Offer our Veterans an Alternative Pain Management though Massage Therapy.

Why Massage Therapy for Veterans?

Military veterans can face a host of health concerns upon returning from service, from chronic pain related to physical injuries, to emotional and psychological issues such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Massage therapists are in an excellent position to help veterans take control of their health and wellness. Massage Therapy offers an alternative pain management.

Massage Therapy is an Alternative to


Prescription opioids carry serious risk of addiction, abuse, and overdose, even when taken as directed. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), deaths from prescription opioids have more than quadrupled since 1999. This is the reason governmental agencies are looking at new pain management ways. Massage Therapy offers a non-opioid solution for pain relief.


Benefits of Massage Therapy for Veterans?

Some of the most common health issues veterans face, and how massage therapy can help.


Some research estimates that between 5 and 20 percent of veterans who were deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan have PTSD. This condition comes with both physical and psychological symptoms, and can include the following:

  • Higher rates of musculoskeletal or cardiovascular issues
  • Flashbacks and nightmares
  • Increased feelings of detachment and isolation
  • Irritability and difficulty falling asleep

Massage Therapy has been found to produce significant reductions in self-reported levels of pain, tension, irritability, anxiety and depression.

Chronic Pain

Chronic Pain is another major issue within the veteran population. Musculoskeletal pain is common, with research showing it’s the leading cause of disability among veterans.

Integrating massage therapy into the healthcare of female veterans, effleurage massage was performed on 96 patients attending gynecology appointments, 79% of which had a history of chronic pain. The results indicated that massage therapy may be an effective and safe treatment for pain and anxiety in female veterans. 

Massage Therapy offers veterans dealing with chronic pain, including back pain, neck and shoulder pain and osteoarthritis an effective treatment to reduce chronic pain.


For veterans, anxiety can be present as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) This is described as a persistent and uncontrollable anxiety and worry. GAD was found in 40 percent of those participants who had been diagnosed with PTSD.

Massage Therapy on GAD found that participants’ anxiety was significantly reduced at the start of week three, suggesting massage may be an effective acute treatment for GAD.


U.S. veterans with PTSD and depression found those who also had low social support were at an increased risk for suicide.

Massage Therapy shows positive effects by alleviating symptoms of depression.


While insomnia is a common issue among the general U.S. population, this condition presents an even greater problem to veterans.

Research indicates that massage therapy can improve sleep in those with lower back pain, fibromyalgia, insomnia, pain and other health conditions

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